




I have made an impact at UCF. I have been the key player in our department’s ability to take-on the growing number of students at UCF. I have done so with integrity, innovation, rigor, and respect for the diversity of all UCF Knights. I have prepared students for some of the greatest challenges they will face in life. I have expanded student opportunities, demanded excellence, and provided evidence of these accomplishments.

In my department, I was the leader, in following UCF’s charge, “...developing creative methods to increase learning.” I developed and instructed the first completely web-based theatre course at UCF and in recent years, effectively developed them to reach more students, than ever before in our institution’s history. These numbers are considered monumental for theatre courses and they demand not only excellence in teaching and learning, leadership in theatre, but also technology. Since becoming an Senior Lecturer, I have continued to lead the charge in the development of new web-based courses and in embracing diverse communities within those courses. This contribution has also been recognized outside of the UCF community, with Kendall Hunt Publishing, honoring me as Author of the Month, for the development of UCF’s first completely digital-interactive-published-theatre survey textbook, engaging students in new and innovative approaches in teaching. This is Theatre UCF’s first interactive text and it has provided excellence in innovative teaching.

In leading UCF’s charge to “cultivate exceptional and diverse students”, I have continued to develop unique web-based courses (Queer Theatre, Theatre for Social Change and Women in Theatre – the first of their kind) that places focus on meeting the needs of UCF’s ever growing diverse community. Leadership within my department has also recognized these accomplishments. I received recognition from my community as well honored as a 2019 Women’s History Month Awardee for my leadership and championing of women in theatre to meet UCF’s charge of embracing diverse communities to “make the world a better place.” I continued with this charge by providing inspiration to other Knights, with accepting an invitation to share my personal journey, as a multiracial woman with the UCF community (recognized in UCF Today:

My leadership skills, played a significant role in the development of workshops and special projects with the Office of Diversity & Inclusion. I was also the first theatre faculty member to engage as a UCF General Education Faculty Innovator (FCTL) to continue excellence in course development, collaborated with UCF’s Veteran’s Legacy Program (leading and teaching a series of innovative playwriting workshops and performances for students and veterans). I was a researcher and presenter at one of UCF’s first International Women’s Issues Conference, a UCF LGBTQ Ally (creating a course to serve theatre and the UCF- LGBTQ+ community) and a Legacy mentor, one of the first Mosaic mentors, to further UCF’s goal of embracing diverse communities. Leading with “firsts”, innovation in teaching, technology and investing in service, helping to make Theatre UCF one of the top (On-stage-blog 2018-19) programs in the U.S. I have been a leader of “firsts” and I have made an impact at UCF. I believe the recent words of my school Director, sum up my contributions best, “...excellent teacher...created many innovations...leading the charge...much success...strong mentor”.


“Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning” - Paulo Freire

My journey in teaching and learning is a give and take process through which I challenge my students and myself. I embrace the leadership role in modeling traditional techniques, such as Stanislavski’s Method, while never forgetting the importance of fresh new tactics and technology to activate and engage students in achieving their goals. Incorporating new technologies, such as my interactive digital text, Beyond the 4th Wall (Kendall Hunt Publishing), is a must in web-based courses, as well as engaging students face-to-face.

While I value connecting with students on a visceral level, I also acknowledge the need for practice in professionalism, as well as discipline, in realizing their fullest potential. Course goals serve as a focus in direction, while real world examples prove the relevance of these ideas. My Theatre for Social Change course, is an example of real world experience, where students use case studies and practice research skills in exploring new ideas and recognize the power of facts, in the development of strong opinions. Above all, I honor my commitment to my profession, my students, my UCF community and the responsibility that comes with the challenge of encouraging independent thought in young artists. I want them to leave prepared, as well as inspired to take on challenges in the pursuit of creativity, critical thinking and making the world a better place for all.

Part of my personal and professional training in teaching, leadership and learning has included a focus on diverse communities, their needs, challenges and success. I have engaged in learning opportunities, not only in my current UCF community, but also outside, Theatre of the Oppressed and Theatre for Social Change training in New York, with the Forum Theatre, as well as local training sessions, with groups such as Jobs With Justice, focusing on the development of my leadership skills. These experiences have been shared with my students and offered me fresh perspectives and tactics in achieving teaching and leadership goals.

My personal and professional experiences have been an inspiration in developing an appreciation for students and the importance of their individuality. This is especially important in our ever-growing and changing communities. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie articulates this best when stressing The Danger of a Single Story, “What this demonstrates is how impressionable and vulnerable we are in the face of a story...”. Adichie’s story inspired me as a leader to begin each teaching and learning experience, (even in my class of three-hundred), with a focus on the individual and what makes them unique. Students partner-up and share a two- minute story and then develop an essay from their observations. Immediately, students have proof of the important role of give-and-take in a teaching and learning experience, as well as the importance of individual stories. We come from across the globe, but all have a story to tell. These stories share our past, give insight into our fears and inspire us in hopes of a just and equitable future. Please see the importance I place on the use of “story” - in UCF’s General Education Development and Innovative Program - video (49 seconds into the video),

I am proud to provide leadership, teaching, innovation and learning opportunities to our students. I am committed to traditional foundations while striving to challenge students with new technology, new discoveries and most of all, my commitment in continuing to encourage students to achieve beyond their expectations and accomplish their dreams.